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Friday, March 5, 2010


Class today gave me plenty of ideas to think about. I am pretty sure i have my game figured out in the simple form. I know i can make it more complicated when i am done with the short easy version. Like i said in one of my other blogs, i love puzzles. I think they are a really good way to learn and they are easy to incorperate into games. I have joked today saying i wish i could put in a 3d rubix cube, but that maybe another game later. Puzzles make people think and give them things to slow them down. When playing a game, it wouldnt be fun to just rush through and finish as fast as you can. I think giving games puzzles make it interesting and much more difficult. If you think about it, puzzles are in our everyday life whether its a combination lock on our lockers, or turning on your car, a sequence of events must take place to get to our desired goal.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your on track awesome, can't wait to see your game
