
Take a look and be amazed!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Game? can i call it that yet?

Now that i have the basic look of my game, i now have to put it into the computer and i will spend today getting it started. It has begun its process and i will see it through the end no matter how much time is needed to complete it. So far the only issues for me is to learn the coding for flash and that hasnt been too much so far. i can wait to see what the following weeks will bring!!!

Progress [/////////////----------------------] 30%

Now with my paper prototype out of the way, i think things are rolling along rather smoothly. There is alot of work that still needs to be done but its just the beggining. I finished my video last friday and will be uploading it sometime soon.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Paper Prototyping

So far with me paper prototype, im right on time! Well at least i hope. Ive got a few pages drawn out and im hoping to at least drawl out a few more. i want to work on the easy and harder settings. im probably ready with what we have done, but i feel like i have to do more before i move on. A few more hours into it and i will be done. I will be finishing my Composition class on monday so i will be getting some more time to put into this! i cant wait!!!!! I need to learn how to make a button and moving objects. Thats going to take a while to learn that coding. but so far its going great and i cannot wait to see what is comming!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What to do?

The worst thing for anyone to do when making a game or writing a story is to have a block. Writers block is what some call it, but i call it a time of opportunity! Every block leads to a great breakthrough. Some of my best ideas have come during a block so i know when i am blocked, all i have to do is concentrate and the ideas will flow in. So when you are stuck in a block, just know that something great is coming!!

Friday, March 5, 2010


Class today gave me plenty of ideas to think about. I am pretty sure i have my game figured out in the simple form. I know i can make it more complicated when i am done with the short easy version. Like i said in one of my other blogs, i love puzzles. I think they are a really good way to learn and they are easy to incorperate into games. I have joked today saying i wish i could put in a 3d rubix cube, but that maybe another game later. Puzzles make people think and give them things to slow them down. When playing a game, it wouldnt be fun to just rush through and finish as fast as you can. I think giving games puzzles make it interesting and much more difficult. If you think about it, puzzles are in our everyday life whether its a combination lock on our lockers, or turning on your car, a sequence of events must take place to get to our desired goal.