
Take a look and be amazed!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Flash games recently played

i have played alot of flash games over the last ten or so years but never really had a chance to review any. Today i played two games on the MyGLife website, Stop Disasters and 3rd World Farmer. First i played Stop disasters which is a game that allows you to help a community(fitional i hope) prepare for a possible disaster. I chose to go with the Tsunami control. It was alot of fun preparing the small village for the giant wave. It was a fun game since you were forced to battle the clock without using all of your budget. All in all, it was a fun game and i was able to gather alot of information about it. The second game, 3rd World Farmer is a game that allows you to live the life of a poor poor farmer. You can plant crops and raise animals to help yourself profit. It was a very interesting game with a touch of humor to keep it interesting. I think that flash games can be the roots of all other games because they are simple, short, and right to the point.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Nintendo WII

You hear everyone talking about. You see it advertised everywhere. Even grandma talks about how much fun it was. The Nintendo Wii has changed how people think about gaming and playing video games. It is the console that involves all ages and keeps them hooked. Between games like Wii sports and Wii fit, you are sure to get a workout along with a satisfied gaming experience. I for one can say for certain that after the complete Wii it workout, i was sore the next day. You hear of controversy over the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, how the sales are, and how many they are selling. Most people dont realize that the Wii has outsold both of them...... combined! Ive owned a Wii since the day it was released and I for one am a very satisfied customer.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Like many people, i love video games. They have been a major part of my life as far back as i can remember. The first game i ever played was pong when i was three and amazingly, i still remember how it made me feel. As of today, i have quite the video game collection and i collect video game consoles. I currently own at least one of every video game system reguardless if i use them or not. Over the last few years i have been playing professionally on xbox live and last summer had the chance to travel to Alabama and Mississippi to play with friends that i had met during my online expirence on xbox live. We as a clan, play in online competitions and just do it for fun. We love to hang out and just play games. Halo 3 is our main game but we also play Guitar hero, Call of Duty, and Left for Dead. The one thing i love about our clan is that we just play for fun and not for money or fame, all though we are quite good. Video games is a current topic that will always have room for an update.

The Busy Life

This time of year, everyone is busy with school, work, or anything else that keeps them busy. Finding time to relax can be a hard thing to do when you constantly have things to do. For me, busy means doing something other than sitting around the house. I like to stay busy but sometimes I dont realize what i am getting myself into. As of now i am a full-time student (16 credit hours) and i also have two jobs, one full time and the other part time. Yeah, it gets very stressful at times, but bills have to be paid and school isnt going to do itself no matter how much i wish it would. Sometimes i feel like i am going to explode but i am way to busy for thinking. Somehow i havnt been late for anything yet and its been going good so far, but i know this is only the first month. This blog is a part of my game design class at West Virginia Northern Community College and its a way for us as the students to learn to use different programs and technologies. This will be the class that will keep me sain cause i love creating things using technologies on the computer. well thats it for now, check back later!!